Tuesday, February 8, 2011

snow, snow, snow, snow, SNOW

i love it. i love being snowed in with my family, by the fire, baking cookies, watching movies. love it. i do get weary after about 3 days of going no where, but overall, it's mucho funno.
last weekend we had a trip planned to see b's brother in east oklahoma, unfortunately we headed out and had to turn back. a second (unexpected to us) snow storm hit oklahoma and made it pretty scary and pretty impossible. we were bummed so decided to head to tulsa. i'm really glad we did. we got to see friends and have fun in their snow, which was a little thicker than ours.
the kids got to play and go sledding and just had a great weekend.
and now we're getting ready for round two. not sure what to expect, sometimes the weather men are right on, sometimes, not so much. so we shall see. i'm stocked with baking supplies, firewood and movies so bring it on (whatever it may be) bring....it....on.....

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